Friday, November 5, 2010

Why am I here? "I don't know but God does" Well He needs to give me a break..."

I must admit that my not having updated my blog in nearly two months has had nothing to do with procrastination or even forgetfulness.  It has, however, had everything to do with the fact that I STILL, after nearly two months of searching, the wistful clouds of Spain have not given me the answers I have been looking for.  As much as I wish that all of my expectations from my first post were being fulfilled..they aren't.  I feel like I'm being mentally and emotionally trained for the next Saw movie..dramatic i know... I apologize for my odd references but I always seem to relate my life to clouds or movies or quotes so might as well get you used to it now.  The best place to start is probably from the beginning. My first two weeks in Spain were spent in the beautiful but in my biased opinion claustrophobia inducing town of Alcala.

                                           Ugh, horrible isn't?!

Okay Okay so it's gorgeous and historical (Cervantes was born here) and old me would  have fallen in love with the romantic picturesque of it all but I actually hated this innocent city for a little while. Why?  I made the big mistake of staying with a host family who  ven though tried to help me adapt to my new environment, ultimately with their snooping and prying made me want to run like the wind. I also started my internship in Madrid while living in Alcala ( 40 minutes away). I literally had to wake up at 5:30 am to take a 6:30 am bus because of traffic so that I could be at the city by 9 am. Oh did I mention that they lived by a bar that would keep me up until 3:30 am? I also was apartment hunting in Madrid during this time so let's just say that no sleep+new internship+finding an apt and getting screwed out of 150 Euros = Gaby Breakdown.

And boy what a breakdown it was. It included me literally looking up at the sky and simply asking God..ya think this is funny?! Because I don't!! Can you give me a break?

That was just for the first two weeks. After that God did in fact give me the break that I so badly was praying for and I moved in with my very good friend Amanda until my roommate Lupe and I found a piso.  Amanda and I go way back, 2008 study abroad trip and our undying love for Madrid brought us together. It felt so liberating to be able to get up and do what I wanted to do and eat what i wanted to eat. Between Lupe, Amanda and all of the supportive people I was meeting I was starting to get stronger.

It's like when you basically go through all of this for lack of a better word crap and you are able to look back and say " I'm in such a better place and because of that I can appreciate it where I am now." I always end up thanking God for this probably because it's how I learn best, as much as i hate it.

Fast forwarding a bit, after another learning experience ( I seem to have so many of these here) with the nastiest landlord, my roommates ( Lizzie, Lupe) and I found the perfect piso (apt)! I never thought I would end up saying it, but the tears and pain were worth it. I love everything about it. I love the fall leaves that greet me every morning when I open the windows to my terrace, I love the warm colors and wall decorations that let me call it home and I love love love the smell of roses as I walk through my door every day.

My favorite part is obviously my room, haha. Ikea has helped me to make it cozy and familiar. I live about 4 metro stops away from the center of the city and I can't complain about where I live. My street is called Breton de los Herreros and for some reason I am love with this name, it was named after a Spanish writer and in this  narrow yet inviting street with it's looming trees with crisp yellow and orange fall leaves, I often find myself (or others seem to find me) simply smiling at this inspiring beauty. 

The one thing I can say runs efficiently in this city is it's metro system. It's clean, easy to master (even for me) and I try my best to appear as native as possible when using it. I will admit that my first few times using it I would get lost or trip or miss the last train by a matter of seconds but now I have become quite a pro at dodging the crowds and finding the best routes to my destinations. 

Henry James Elliot wrote that no deep experience is ever peaceful and I must agree wholeheartedly. Whether this experience gets better or not or if it takes me losing all of my money ( I seem to be going in this direction what with greedy old woman and incompetent banks) I am going to come out with something...something..

The silver lining? What makes it all really worth it?
No matter how horrid I feel or what day ruining thing happens next, there is one thing that can make me feel whole and genuinely happy. That one reason is the smile of an innocent child who just wants to see YOU smile and laugh. My kids make me feel very loved and I have always felt from day one that my attitude and words means all the world to them and it's true. I'm not a teacher nor will I ever try to use that title because my amazing friends have taught me what it is to be one. However, I am still in their lives every day and I want to be a good role model and help them excel at whatever they want to do. It's the best part of all of this and sometimes what keeps me in this program.

Why is it that I can't just have a normal study abroad experience full of learning but partying  and traveling?! I'm pretty sure I'll still have those things, I am having those things..haha, but it just wouldn't be MY type of experience if it didn't include at least a little bit of struggle. Eye of the tiger baby. 

Or everyone including the Spaniards seem to tell me...Its just Spain!  "If it's not complicated, it's not Spain." My roomie Lupe:)